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Welcome to AHLI

For more than 30 years, American Home Life International (AHLI) has been the leading provider of American homestay and education programs for international students

We remain committed to helping our students succeed by placing them in the right schools and in the best academic or cultural programs. Critical for student success, AHLI’s strength is the unparalleled ability to provide Christian host families that offer a safe, secure, and nurturing home environment for the students.

The AHLI Story

With significant global experience and commitment to excellence, the AHLI team is skilled at bringing the best combination of academic programs, cultural experiences and homestay services to meet a variety of student needs.

Learn More
  • 15,708

  • Students
    Since 1991

  • 22

  • Countries

  • 165+

  • Partner

  • 29

  • States Where
    We Operate

  • 959

  • Group Students
    In 2019-2020

  • 250+

  • F1 Visa Students
    In 2018-2019

  • Wide Network of accredited partner schools.
    Partner Schools

  • Partner Schools

  • Guaranteed safe & caring Christian homes and residential housing.

  • Host Families

  • Qualified coordinators for excellent student care.

  • Student Support

  • Intensive ESL and TOEFL Preparation Programs.

  • ESL & TOEFL Camp

  • Quality student-focused programs.

  • Student Programs

  • Highlight of the Month:

  • AHLI hosts families and students to create bonds that last a lifetime. Watch this video for a glimpse of the fun and friendship they share as they blend their lives and cultures as one family.

  • Watch on YouTube

  • News &

    • May Student Blog

      You’ve made it to the end of the school year! Congratulations! I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Ephesians 4:1b  For my final message of the year, I’d like to give encouragement as you take the...
    • April Student Blog

      If you’ve looked at the calendar, you know it’s time to review your “bucket list.” What is a bucket list? It’s that list of things you wanted to do or accomplish before leaving the United States. Maybe you’ve called your list one of the following:  With school ending in the next 6 weeks, what’s still...
    • March Student Blog

      Have you wondered why your school is closed today? Perhaps you’ve heard your host family talk about Good Friday, the day Jesus Christ was crucified and died on a cross. Doesn’t exactly sound so good, does it?   Christians celebrate Good Friday, not because of what happened on Friday, but because of what happened three days...